Global assets are files that are uploaded to the LMS and are available to use in any course in your account.
Global assets can be used to add images to page templates. An image must be uploaded as a global asset before it can be used in a page template.
1. To access your global assets, click the Settings tab on the sidebar, and click Assets.
2. Right-click the first folder to open a menu of options.
3. To upload a file as an asset, click Upload a File.
Your file browser will open, and you can select a file to add.
4. The file you select will be added to the asset list and appear below the folder.
5. Notice that using the commands on the menu you can also preview an asset, rename a file, delete a file, or create a new folder.
6. You also have the ability to move files between folders and select multiple files at the same time by holding the CTRL key.