A slider is an object that displays a series of images. To add a slider to the page, click the plus (+) button on the upper toolbar, and click Slider:
Then click on the Slider. The Slider tab will open on the side panel:
This slider comes with two placeholder images. You can add a new image by clicking Add Slide:
Then click Upload Image:
Your file browser will open, and you can select an image to upload.
You can also use the ellipses (…) to select an image that has already been used in this course:
Clicking on the ellipses (…) opens a menu with images to select from.
Once you have selected an image, click Add:
The image will be added to the Slider tab. Using the arrows underneath each image, you can adjust the order of the images:
You can remove an image by clicking the X:
Clicking the wrench icon will open additional settings:
The Type dropdown is used to select between carousel and slider types. The Carousel option will display the images in an automatic sequence. The Slider option will let users click through the images on their own:
The Autoplay dropdown can be used to adjust the length of time each image is displayed for in the slider. The Animation Duration dropdown can be used to adjust the length of the transition between images. Click on one of these dropdowns and select a length of time in milliseconds from the list:
Selecting No on the Autoplay dropdown will turn off Autoplay. Users will click through each image on their own.
The Per View dropdown is used to select the number of images that are displayed in a single slide on the slider. You can use the Gap field to adjust the gap in between multiple images:
The Arrow checkbox can be used to toggle the appearance of Arrows on each side of the slider that allow users to click through the images. The Dots checkbox can be used to toggle the appearance of dots at the bottom of the slider. These dots will indicate both the total number of images in the slider, as well as the position of the image currently being displayed:
You can select an arrow preset from the list. The preset style of arrow you select will be shown on the slider:
The Base Color menu can be used to change the color of any arrows on the slide. Click on the color circle to open the color selector tool:
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