The znanja LMS provides you with the ability to categorize your courses. For example, if there are several safety courses, you can create a Safety category. If there are several art courses, you can add them to a category with other art courses.
How to Create Categories
1. To begin, click the Courses button on the sidebar and click Categories.
2. Click Create new Category.
3. Type a name for the category and click Create category.
4. The category will be created, and you will be able to edit it immediately. You can change the name of the category by typing your change in the Category Name field and clicking Rename.
How to Add and Remove Courses from Categories
1. When you are on the editing page for a category, click Add a course. This will open a list of available courses.
2. Add as many courses to your category that you want by clicking on +Add beside each course name.
3. When you have finished filling up your category with courses, click ←Return.
Note: You can also use the Course Options screen to place courses into categories.
4. To remove courses from the category, click –Remove.
The course will immediately be removed.