To create many users at once, upload a CSV spreadsheet file to the LMS. To begin, click on the Upload Users tab from the Users screen.
Before you upload, make sure you have the appropriate file ready. The uploaded file must be a .csv – comma (,) separated file. This can be created in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Information can be found below to help format you CSV file for best results.
Formatting your CSV File
- To create a user, the CSV file must contain an email address for each user. This is the minimum information required to create a user.
- The columns of information in your CSV file do not have to follow any specific order, as you will be able to select which columns to associate with various account details within the LMS.
- The top line of the spreadsheet should be used for column titles, not user information. The upload tool does not recognize the top row as account information, and therefore the information in the top row will not be used to create a new user. The system will use these titles as a starting point for sorting the file.
- You can add the following information to your file:
- First name
- Last name
- Password: You can set a password by typing it into your spreadsheet, or a random password can be created by leaving a column blank.
- Expiry date (the date on which the user’s account will expire): Format it as YYYY-MM-DD.
- Groups: You can add a user to specific groups by typing the group’s name. For multiple groups, separate the group names with | or ;
- Course: You can also enroll a user in specific courses by typing the course’s name. For multiple courses, separate the course names with | or ;
- Locale: You can set the default language for your user based on znanja’s supported languages by inputting EN for English, FR for French, or ES for Spanish.
- Notify: You can specify whether or not a user will receive a notification email when their account is created. If nothing is specified, the user will not be notified.
- You can also add information for any Custom User Fields you have created.
How to Upload your CSV File
1. When your document is ready, click Browse, navigate to your file, select it, and click Open.
2. Click Next to complete the process.
3. On the next page, using the dropdown menus, you can associate the columns in your file with associated account details.
4. Once you are ready, click Upload. The users will be created in the background. You will receive an email notification when this process is finished, and your users have been created.