You can build a course by pulling in content from previously uploaded courses. This allows you to easily mix and match chapters from multiple courses.
1. To begin, click Create under the Courses section on the sidebar.
2. Click Build.
3. At the top of this page, give your course a name. You can also click the Advanced button to set course code and course description options (these are optional).
4. In the Your sections list, click the course that contains the sections or chapters that you want to use.
5. Click on the checkbox beside a section in the course to select it.
Continue checking sections until you have selected all the sections or chapters that you want included in your course.
6. The sections you choose will appear in the Selected sections list.
7. When you are ready to continue, choose the theme for your course from the list at the bottom of the page.
8. Click Finish when you are ready.
9. The course will then be created and added to your course list.