Who Gets Notified?
We recommend that you set up a contact page on your website containing an email address for customers to contact with support inquiries. Alternatively, you can create an online form for customers to fill in with information pertaining to their support inquiry.
How is the Refund made in Woocommerce?
Be sure to check the documentation of your payment gateway to confirm whether manual refunds are available.
The information below, as well as further information, can be found at: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-refunds/#manual-refunds
1. |
Go to: WooCommerce > Orders. |
2. |
Select the order to refund. |
3. |
Go to the order summary, and select Refund. |
4. |
Using the provided text boxes, specify the quantity of each of the products being refunded. |
5. |
Add refund notes if desired. |
6. |
Select Refund $XX.XX manually: |
How is the User Removed from a course in Znanja?
When a refund is made, the courses in the refunded order should be removed from that user in the znanja LMS.
1. |
To start, click Users > Manage Users to open the user list, and select the student being updated. |
2. |
To manage a user’s course enrollments, click on the Enrollments tab on the Manage Users page. |
3. |
To remove courses from an individual user’s profile, click the -Remove button beside the desired course on the Enrollments page. You can also remove all courses from the user’s profile with the -Remove all Courses button at the top of the list. |