1. In the Course Editor, open the Add menu, then click Add a Question.
2. In the menu that opens, start by entering your question.
3. Next, chose the question type from the dropdown menu.
There are six question types to choose from:
Multiple Choice (Single or multiple)
Fill in the blank
Numeric Response
Text Response
True or False
4. Next set the weight of the question.
5. Click Next to continue.
6. On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter the answers for the question. Enter your values, set the score, then click Add. Clicking X will delete that answer.
Note: If you have chosen a text response, note that these questions must be manually evaluated by an instructor.
7. When you are finished, click Next, or click Previous to modify the question and its type, and/or weight.
8. After clicking Next, click the location on the page where you want the question to appear.
9. Your question will then be shown on the page.