1. To insert a table, click Table from the editing toolbar.
2. Scroll over the Table option on the menu that appears and click the boxes to choose the size of the table you want to add.
3. The table will be added to the page. You can add information to the table by clicking on a cell and typing.
4. You can change the size of the table by clicking and dragging one of the boxes at the corners of the table.
5. You can also adjust the size of the table more precisely by opening the Table Properties menu. Click Table Properties from the Table menu on the editing toolbar.
You can also access the Table Properties menu by clicking on the icon from the table toolbar that appears when you create a table.
6. The menu will open, which allows you to adjust the width, height, cell size, and cell padding by typing in a number. You can also adjust the border and alignment of the table from this menu.
7. Click OK to finish.